Sunday, July 31, 2011

you guys wanna see some magic?

and i thought i was amazing making all those drinks disappear tonight.


check out his crazy eyes at the camera...

Monday, July 11, 2011

ambien walrus goes international.

so i went on a trip for work that is a wee-bit far away. work was nice enough to give me ambien to help me sleep since the time change has got me all messed up.


but i didn't know that i'd meet ambien walrus here.

ok so it really wasn't that bad...


i was just writing a letter to my mom and bestie and it came out like this...

sol let me start of satyig thant i am on ambien but i wanted to write to let yall know that i am ok but i'm on ambeien. ANYWAY. I AM IN MY HOTEL AND IT IS ROCKIG ADN I AM TIRED SO I'M GOING TO BE SOOON. A POBLEM THA TI HAV IS THAT I DONT' KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS SO I guess its a;llmost time for bed. so i get on the plane to paris and this womena wakes me up to see it fi was hugry. i almoswt flailed out on ehre like OWISURO why are you waing me up to eat at 12 at nigth, crazy fudkers.on ambien and i am super retarded-tried. the first flight to paris would have been beeder i na differrent seeet. comon ppl don't be scared im goint to bed soon. juwst know i'm safe and happy. :)

edit: images from
i mean, i *was* on ambien...