Tuesday, June 21, 2011

amber lamps.

i can't believe i almost forgot about this one.

so once upon a time there was a fight on a bus between a dude with cornrows and an ex-marine and someone put it on youtube.

then one day someone more brilliant came along and made a remix, and it was good.

of course it ended up on tosh.0

Monday, June 13, 2011

srs bznss.

i don't think there is anything more special than opening your eyes on a monday morning to see your cute little dog staring at your face.


until you realize that warm and fuzzy feeling you are having is just because he peed all over your bed.

at 6 am.

and your alarm doesn't go off until 7:20.


at least i didn't step in cat piss again.

i must be a leprechaun to not have lost my mind...